As income tax returns are filed across Michigan today, Representative Bill G. Schuette underscored Democrat-driven changes that will let people keep less of what they are earning going forward.
Schuette fought in the House to preserve a state income tax cut from 4.25% to 4.05% that had been triggered for all taxpayers thanks to a plan put in place by Republicans in 2015. That tax cut is resulting in large refunds for thousands of taxpayers this year. However, the individual income tax rate for people and small businesses went up again January 1 for the coming tax year due to legislative maneuvering by Democrats that broke a promise to return more money to taxpayers and made everyone pay more.
“As a result of this shift, hardworking people and families across Midland and Gladwin counties got a pay cut at a time when the cost of everyday expenditures is through the roof,” Schuette said. “We have seen state government blow through a $9 billion surplus and commit over $80 billion in spending for the current fiscal year. It is a backwards approach to reach back into taxpayer pockets for more spending money and make our state a less affordable place to live, work and raise a family in the process.”
Schuette has been instrumental in pushing for practical and needed tax relief for Michiganders by sponsoring plans at the beginning of the current legislative term that boosted the Earned Income Tax Credit and made it retroactive so families throughout the area and the state could start seeing savings immediately.

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